Dragon Ball Z Tournament is a 2D fighting game created using the OpenBOR engine, featuring iconic characters from the Dragon Ball saga placed in key moments from the anime. Players can choose from Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo, each with their own unique abilities activated by specific key combinations. Transforming into a more powerful version of the character is possible by pressing down, forward, and the recharge button when the Ki bar is filled.
The game offers two modes initially, Tournament Mode and Challenge Mode, with the objective of defeating the main enemy. Additional game modes, Final Battle and Double Team, can be unlocked by completing Tournament Mode. Dragon Ball Z Tournament allows players to engage in epic battles in vast settings where elements are destructible, providing a true reflection of the anime's scale.
With only three playable characters, the game compensates by offering immersive battles and animations that capture the essence of the original anime. Download Dragon Ball Z Tournament for an exciting gaming experience where you can take part in thrilling battles and feel like the hero of the anime.
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